Friday, April 23, 2010

Noisy Neighbours

It's 12.39am on Friday morning and yes I'm still up. I'm a night owl as anyone who knows me well will attest to. And so it seems are the next door neighbours.

I know this because I'm sitting here at my laptop listening to the music they are playing in their garage with the door fully open whilst drinking with friends. Why you might say am I listening to their music... basically because I have no choice... it's that LOUD!!!! (I'm not playing my Ipod because I would have to have it up too loud to drown out their music.)

Now I really don't mind a good party. I don't even mind loud music (though to be honest the third time in a row that they played John Rowles singing "Cheryl Moana Marie" was perhaps a bit much); what I really object to is the fact that it is obnoxiously loud for this hour on a week night when most people have to get up early for work the next morning.

Some people may think I may be being unreasonable but I really don't think so.

So turn down the music before I ring noise control. Show some consideration for the rest of the neighbourhood.

Now where did I put my ear plugs???